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SMF 110-2 DB2 Connection stats
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Stored in db2connstats
SMF Field | DB Column name | Description |
record_type | Value is always C102 | |
SMFSID | sid | SID |
SMFDTE | record_date_time | Datetime recorded |
SMFSSID | ssid | SSID |
SMFSTRVN | prod_version | Prod version |
SMFSTPRN | product_name | Product name (generic application ID) |
SMFSTSPN | specific_appl_id | Specific application ID |
SMFSTMFL | rec_maintindic | Record maintenance indicator |
SMFSTDTK | dom_token | Domain token |
SMFSTDID | dom_id | Domain ID |
SMFSTRQT | uerir_stats_type | USS/EOD/REQ/INT/RRT stats type |
SMFSTDAT | collect_date | Collection date |
SMFSTCLT | collect_time | Collection time |
SMFSTINT | interv_time | Interval time |
SMFSTINO | interv_number | Interval number |
SMFSTRTK | req_token | Request token |
SMFSTLRT | last_reset_time | Last reset time |
SMFTCST | cics_start_time | CICS start time |
SMFSTJBN | job_name | Job name |
SMFSTRSD | job_reader_date | Job reader date |
SMFSTUIF | user_id | User ID |
SMFSTPDN | os_product_level | Operating system product level |
D2G_DB2CONN_NAME | name | The name of the installed DB2CONN |
D2G_DB2_ID | db2_sys_id | The name of the DB2 subsystem that CICS is connected to, or if a DB2 subsystem ID is specified in the installed DB2CONN definition, the DB2 subsystem that CICS connects to |
D2G_DB2_RELEASE | db2_release | The version and release level of the DB2 subsystem that CICS is connected to |
D2G_CONNECT_TIME_GMT | connect_time_gmt | Connection time (GMT) |
D2G_CONNECT_TIME_LOCAL | connect_time_local | Connection time (LOCAL) |
D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_GMT | disconnect_time_gmt | Disconnection time (GMT) |
D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_LOCAL | disconnect_time_local | Disconnection time (LOCAL) |
D2G_TCB_LIMIT | tcb_limit | Maximum number of TCBs that can be used by the CICS-DB2 attachment facility |
D2G_TCB_CURRENT | tcb_current | Current number of connections associated with OPEN TCBs used by the CICS-DB2 attachment facility |
D2G_TCB_HWM | tcb_hwm | Peak number of connections associated with OPEN TCBs used by the CICS-DB2 attachment facility |
D2G_TCB_FREE | tcb_free | Number of free connections available for use with CICS open TCBs |
D2G_TCB_READYQ_CURRENT | tcb_readyq_current | Number of CICS tasks queued waiting because the TCBLIMIT specified in the DB2CONN has been reached |
D2G_TCB_READYQ_HWM | tcb_readyq_hwm | Peak number of CICS tasks queued waiting because the TCBLIMIT specified in the DB2CONN has been reached |
D2G_DB2_GROUP_ID | db2_group_id | Name of a data-sharing group of DB2 subsystems, specified in the installed DB2CONN definition |
D2G_RESYNCMEMBER | resync_uow | Resync UOW'S
D2G_REUSELIMIT | thread_reuselimit | Maximum number of times a thread can be reused before being terminated |
D2G_POOL_PLAN_NAME | pool_plan_name | Name of the plan used for the pool. If a dynamic plan exit is being used for the pool this DSECT field will be nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports) |
D2G_POOL_PLANEXIT_NAME | pool_planexit_name | Name of the dynamic plan exit to be used for the pool. If a static plan is being used for the pool this DSECT field will be nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports) |
D2G_POOL_AUTHID | pool_auth_id | Static id to be used for DB2 security checking for pool threads |
D2G_POOL_AUTHTYPE | pool_auth_type | Auth type
D2G_POOL_ACCOUNTREC | pool_accountrec | Account rec setting
D2G_POOL_THREADWAIT | pool_threadwait | Thread wait setting
D2G_POOL_PRIORITY | pool_priority | Thread Priority
D2G_POOL_CALLS | pool_calls | Number of SQL calls made using pool threads |
D2G_POOL_SIGNONS | pool_signons | Number of DB2 signons performed for pool threads |
D2G_POOL_COMMITS | pool_commits | Number of 2 phase commits performed for units of work using pool threads |
D2G_POOL_ABORTS | pool_aborts | Number of units of work using pool threads that were rolled back |
D2G_POOL_SINGLE_PHASE | pool_single_phase | Number of units of work using pool threads that used single phase commit, either because they were read-only UOWs, or because DB2 was the only recoverable resource updated in the UOW |
D2G_POOL_THREAD_REUSE | pool_thread_reuse | Number of times CICS transactions using the pool were able to reuse an already created DB2 thread |
D2G_POOL_THREAD_TERM | pool_thread_term | Number of terminate thread requests made to DB2 for pool threads. This includes pool threads used by transactions that overflow to the pool |
D2G_POOL_THREAD_WAITS | pool_thread_waits | Number of times all available threads in the pool were busy and a transaction had to wait for a thread to become available |
D2G_POOL_THREAD_LIMIT | pool_thread_limit | Maximum number of pool threads allowed |
D2G_POOL_THREAD_CURRENT | pool_thread_current | Number of active pool threads |
D2G_POOL_THREAD_HWM | pool_thread_hwm | Peak number of active pool threads |
D2G_POOL_TASK_CURRENT | pool_task_current | Number of CICS tasks that are using a pool thread |
D2G_POOL_TASK_HWM | pool_task_hwm | Peak number of CICS tasks that have used a pool thread |
D2G_POOL_TASK_TOTAL | pool_task_total | Number of completed tasks that have used a pool thread |
D2G_POOL_READYQ_CURRENT | pool_readyq_current | Number of CICS tasks waiting for a pool thread to become available |
D2G_POOL_READYQ_HWM | pool_readyq_hwm | Peak number of CICS tasks that waited for a pool thread to become available |
D2G_POOL_PARTIAL_SIGNONS | pool_partial_signons | Number of DB2 partial signons performed for pool threads |
D2G_POOL_THREAD_CREATE | pool_thread_create | Number of times that CICS transactions using the pool create a DB2 thread |
D2G_POOL_REUSELIMIT_COUNT | pool_reuselimit_count | Number of times the reuselimit has been reached by a pool thread |
D2G_COMD_AUTHID | comd_auth_id | Static id to be used for DB2 security checking for command threads |
D2G_COMD_AUTHTYPE | comd_auth_type | Auth type
D2G_COMD_CALLS | comd_calls | Number of DB2 commands issued using the DSNC transaction |
D2G_COMD_SIGNONS | comd_signons | Number of DB2 signons performed for command threads |
D2G_COMD_THREAD_TERM | comd_thread_term | Number of terminate thread requests made to DB2 for command threads |
D2G_COMD_THREAD_OVERF | comd_thread_overf | Number of times a DSNC DB2 command resulted in a pool thread being used because the number of active command threads exceed the command thread limit |
D2G_COMD_THREAD_LIMIT | comd_thread_limit | Maximum number of command threads allowed |
D2G_COMD_THREAD_CURRENT | comd_thread_current | Number of active command threads |
D2G_COMD_THREAD_HWM | comd_thread_hwm | Peak number of active command threads |
D2G_COMD_THREAD_CREATE | comd_thread_create | Number of create thread requests made to DB2 for command threads |
D2G_DB2CONN_DEFINE_SOURCE | db2_conn_define_source | Group installed from |
D2G_DB2CONN_CHANGE_TIME | db2_conn_change_time | Change/Create time |
D2G_DB2CONN_CHANGE_USERID | db2_conn_change_user_id | Change user ID |
D2G_DB2CONN_CHANGE_AGENT | db2_conn_change_agent | Change agent |
D2G_DB2CONN_INSTALL_AGENT | db2_conn_install_agent | Install agent |
D2G_DB2CONN_INSTALL_TIME | db2_conn_install_time | Install/Create time |
D2G_DB2CONN_INSTALL_USERID | db2_conn_install_user_id | Install user ID |