SMF 110-2 DB2 Connection stats
    • 12 Feb 2025
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    SMF 110-2 DB2 Connection stats

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    Article summary



    Stored in db2connstats

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescription
    record_typeValue is always C102
    SMFDTErecord_date_timeDatetime recorded
    SMFSTRVNprod_versionProd version
    SMFSTPRNproduct_nameProduct name (generic application ID)
    SMFSTSPNspecific_appl_idSpecific application ID
    SMFSTMFLrec_maintindicRecord maintenance indicator
    SMFSTDTKdom_tokenDomain token
    SMFSTDIDdom_idDomain ID
    SMFSTRQTuerir_stats_typeUSS/EOD/REQ/INT/RRT stats type
    SMFSTDATcollect_dateCollection date
    SMFSTCLTcollect_timeCollection time
    SMFSTINTinterv_timeInterval time
    SMFSTINOinterv_numberInterval number
    SMFSTRTKreq_tokenRequest token
    SMFSTLRTlast_reset_timeLast reset time
    SMFTCSTcics_start_timeCICS start time
    SMFSTJBNjob_nameJob name
    SMFSTRSDjob_reader_dateJob reader date
    SMFSTUIFuser_idUser ID
    SMFSTPDNos_product_levelOperating system product level
    D2G_DB2CONN_NAMEnameThe name of the installed DB2CONN
    D2G_DB2_IDdb2_sys_idThe name of the DB2 subsystem that CICS is connected to, or if a DB2 subsystem ID is specified in the installed DB2CONN definition, the DB2 subsystem that CICS connects to
    D2G_DB2_RELEASEdb2_releaseThe version and release level of the DB2 subsystem that CICS is connected to
    D2G_CONNECT_TIME_GMTconnect_time_gmtConnection time (GMT)
    D2G_CONNECT_TIME_LOCALconnect_time_localConnection time (LOCAL)
    D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_GMTdisconnect_time_gmtDisconnection time (GMT)
    D2G_DISCONNECT_TIME_LOCALdisconnect_time_localDisconnection time (LOCAL)
    D2G_TCB_LIMITtcb_limitMaximum number of TCBs that can be used by the CICS-DB2 attachment facility
    D2G_TCB_CURRENTtcb_currentCurrent number of connections associated with OPEN TCBs used by the CICS-DB2 attachment facility
    D2G_TCB_HWMtcb_hwmPeak number of connections associated with OPEN TCBs used by the CICS-DB2 attachment facility
    D2G_TCB_FREEtcb_freeNumber of free connections available for use with CICS open TCBs
    D2G_TCB_READYQ_CURRENTtcb_readyq_currentNumber of CICS tasks queued waiting because the TCBLIMIT specified in the DB2CONN has been reached
    D2G_TCB_READYQ_HWMtcb_readyq_hwmPeak number of CICS tasks queued waiting because the TCBLIMIT specified in the DB2CONN has been reached
    D2G_DB2_GROUP_IDdb2_group_idName of a data-sharing group of DB2 subsystems, specified in the installed DB2CONN definition
    D2G_RESYNCMEMBERresync_uowResync UOW'S
    1. Resync
    2. No Resync
    D2G_REUSELIMITthread_reuselimitMaximum number of times a thread can be reused before being terminated
    D2G_POOL_PLAN_NAMEpool_plan_nameName of the plan used for the pool. If a dynamic plan exit is being used for the pool this DSECT field will be nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports)
    D2G_POOL_PLANEXIT_NAMEpool_planexit_nameName of the dynamic plan exit to be used for the pool. If a static plan is being used for the pool this DSECT field will be nulls (which are shown as N/A in the reports)
    D2G_POOL_AUTHIDpool_auth_idStatic id to be used for DB2 security checking for pool threads
    D2G_POOL_AUTHTYPEpool_auth_typeAuth type
    1. Not Applicable
    2. User ID
    3. OPID
    4. Group
    5. Sign ID
    6. Term
    7. TXID
    D2G_POOL_ACCOUNTRECpool_accountrecAccount rec setting
    1. None
    2. TXID
    3. Task
    4. UOW
    D2G_POOL_THREADWAITpool_threadwaitThread wait setting
    1. Yes
    2. No
    D2G_POOL_PRIORITYpool_priorityThread Priority
    1. Not Applicable
    2. HIGH
    3. EQUAL
    4. LOW
    D2G_POOL_CALLSpool_callsNumber of SQL calls made using pool threads
    D2G_POOL_SIGNONSpool_signonsNumber of DB2 signons performed for pool threads
    D2G_POOL_COMMITSpool_commitsNumber of 2 phase commits performed for units of work using pool threads
    D2G_POOL_ABORTSpool_abortsNumber of units of work using pool threads that were rolled back
    D2G_POOL_SINGLE_PHASEpool_single_phaseNumber of units of work using pool threads that used single phase commit, either because they were read-only UOWs, or because DB2 was the only recoverable resource updated in the UOW
    D2G_POOL_THREAD_REUSEpool_thread_reuseNumber of times CICS transactions using the pool were able to reuse an already created DB2 thread
    D2G_POOL_THREAD_TERMpool_thread_termNumber of terminate thread requests made to DB2 for pool threads. This includes pool threads used by transactions that overflow to the pool
    D2G_POOL_THREAD_WAITSpool_thread_waitsNumber of times all available threads in the pool were busy and a transaction had to wait for a thread to become available
    D2G_POOL_THREAD_LIMITpool_thread_limitMaximum number of pool threads allowed
    D2G_POOL_THREAD_CURRENTpool_thread_currentNumber of active pool threads
    D2G_POOL_THREAD_HWMpool_thread_hwmPeak number of active pool threads
    D2G_POOL_TASK_CURRENTpool_task_currentNumber of CICS tasks that are using a pool thread
    D2G_POOL_TASK_HWMpool_task_hwmPeak number of CICS tasks that have used a pool thread
    D2G_POOL_TASK_TOTALpool_task_totalNumber of completed tasks that have used a pool thread
    D2G_POOL_READYQ_CURRENTpool_readyq_currentNumber of CICS tasks waiting for a pool thread to become available
    D2G_POOL_READYQ_HWMpool_readyq_hwmPeak number of CICS tasks that waited for a pool thread to become available
    D2G_POOL_PARTIAL_SIGNONSpool_partial_signonsNumber of DB2 partial signons performed for pool threads
    D2G_POOL_THREAD_CREATEpool_thread_createNumber of times that CICS transactions using the pool create a DB2 thread
    D2G_POOL_REUSELIMIT_COUNTpool_reuselimit_countNumber of times the reuselimit has been reached by a pool thread
    D2G_COMD_AUTHIDcomd_auth_idStatic id to be used for DB2 security checking for command threads
    D2G_COMD_AUTHTYPEcomd_auth_typeAuth type
    1. Not Applicable
    2. User ID
    3. OPID
    4. Group
    5. Sign ID
    6. Term
    7. TXID
    D2G_COMD_CALLScomd_callsNumber of DB2 commands issued using the DSNC transaction
    D2G_COMD_SIGNONScomd_signonsNumber of DB2 signons performed for command threads
    D2G_COMD_THREAD_TERMcomd_thread_termNumber of terminate thread requests made to DB2 for command threads
    D2G_COMD_THREAD_OVERFcomd_thread_overfNumber of times a DSNC DB2 command resulted in a pool thread being used because the number of active command threads exceed the command thread limit
    D2G_COMD_THREAD_LIMITcomd_thread_limitMaximum number of command threads allowed
    D2G_COMD_THREAD_CURRENTcomd_thread_currentNumber of active command threads
    D2G_COMD_THREAD_HWMcomd_thread_hwmPeak number of active command threads
    D2G_COMD_THREAD_CREATEcomd_thread_createNumber of create thread requests made to DB2 for command threads
    D2G_DB2CONN_DEFINE_SOURCEdb2_conn_define_sourceGroup installed from
    D2G_DB2CONN_CHANGE_TIMEdb2_conn_change_timeChange/Create time
    D2G_DB2CONN_CHANGE_USERIDdb2_conn_change_user_idChange user ID
    D2G_DB2CONN_CHANGE_AGENTdb2_conn_change_agentChange agent
    D2G_DB2CONN_INSTALL_AGENTdb2_conn_install_agentInstall agent
    D2G_DB2CONN_INSTALL_TIMEdb2_conn_install_timeInstall/Create time
    D2G_DB2CONN_INSTALL_USERIDdb2_conn_install_user_idInstall user ID

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