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ZAC L2501021
This Level introduces the following:
- Replacement of jquery and bootstrap libs into ZAC ZFS (/pgm/libs/jquery and /pgm/libs/bootstrap)
It is not mandatory to replace ZAC ZFS because it continues to work normally, but if the customer feels more comfortable with newer releases of jquery and boostrap, the following procedures must be executed:
- Unmount ZAC ZFS, mounted at /asc/pgm
- Rename the current ZAC ZFS (IDCAMS ALTER)
- Mount the renamed ZAC ZFS to any Unix directory (for backup purposes)
- Using ZAC L2501021 DUMP, restore the new ZAC ZFS using ADRDSSU (ZAC Installation Manual –
- MOUNT the new ZAC ZFS on the current /asc/pgm and adjust BPXPRMxx if necessary (
- Run job HTMMPUT from your SAMPLIB to adjust some files (
- Run job ZFSCHOWN from your SAMPLIB to correct OWNERS (
- Run job APCHCONF from your ZAC SAMPLIB (
ZAC L2411221
- Previously, if any Lpar managed by ZAC had its DC set to zero, ZAC's web interface showed no billing information for the Lpar and the CPC it belongs to. Now the billing information will be fully displayed, for all ZAC’s runmode.
- A new informative message ASC0054I will be shown, displaying the z/OS version where ZAC is executing
ZAC L2410181
Level L2403301 introduced an error in the field SMCPCPTS from SMF 225-1, wrongly appending an extra zerowhen this field is zero. Now, if SMCPCPTS is zero, it will be changed from 00000000000000 to 19000101000000 for clarity reasons.
ZAC L2409301
If the number of Lpars defined in ASCLPAxx exceed what is specified in the license, even if the CPUID matches, ZAC will stop the initialization.
Also valid for command REFRESHKEY, that dynamically reloads the license. In this case the license is ignored and a new one is searched.
If the number of Lpars exceed the definitions in ZAC, the new message ASC0964E will be issued, as below:
ZAC L2405301
This Level introduces the following:
Adjustment of billing calculation
ZAC L2403301
This Level introduces the following:
Correction for SMF 225 subtype 01 : The peak time reported did not match that presented in the web report..
ZAC L2403151
This Level introduces the following:
1. Correction for SMF 225 subtypes 01 and 04 produced by ZAC.
When in CMP mode, subtype 01 was not reporting the billing peak and peak time of the last CPC.
In subtype 04, the last CPC was not written in CPC General Parameter Detail Section when in CMP mode.
ZAC L2311221
This Level introduces the following:
1. Correction fot the Web Interface when there is a CPC defined with no Lpars.
The Web interface hided all CPCs and now it presents all of them, even the one with no Lpars
2. REPORTDEPTH parameter was enhanced to support 48H (when INTERVAL=60s) or 96H (when INTERVAL=120s).
The samples to be presented now have are limited to 2880 instead the previous 2160.
If the customer specify more than 48 or 96 on REPORTDEPTH statement, using the respective INTERVAL parameter, ZAC will adjust the REPORTDEPTH to fit the new limit.
3. A new functionality was introduced.
In OPTIONS statement of ASCGENxx, if the last byte is set to 1, it indicates that if RUNMODE statement is about to be modified because of SET PRMGEN, SET PARMS or ACTIVATE PERIOD, a REPLY will be issued to confirm the RUNMODE change before it is done.
There are four new messages to address this new functionality (ASC0334I, ASC0335I, ASC0336I and ASC0337I).
The REPLY should be responded with Y within 30 seconds, otherwise the whole action will be cancelled.
The default of OPTIONS statement is zero
ZAC L2309251
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2308021 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
- Correction for License issues introduced in L2309071 (V4.4)
- Correction for the Web Interface when presenting WLM Service Classes graphs.
Sometimes the graph presents a continuous line connecting two intervals when the Service Class has no MSU consumed in the interval. Follows the before/after situation
ZAC L2308021
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2308021 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
The values of Cumulated MSU, presented in the Web interface, were not being reinitialized
when the billing month changes, causing the display of wrong information of column MMSU of both CPC and LPAR.
This new Level corrects it.
The new LOADLIB must be assigned to all COLLECTORS, which can be WARM started. It’s not necessary to update all COLLECTORS at the same time, but only those with the new
LOADLIB will reset cumulated MSU when a new month enters (2nd day of the month).
There's no need to update ZFS for those who use and have already installed ZAC.
Zetaly - 6577 - Correction about resetting MMSU data to zero at the start of each month
ZAC L2307261
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2307261 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
1. Minor adjustments when calculating the next DC for small Lpars (DC<100 MSU)
ZAC L2307111
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2307111 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
1. Compatibility with z/OS 3.1
ZAC L2305271
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2305271 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
- Correction of ZAC algorithm to prevent abrupt changes on DC settings, keeping the DC more homogeneous and reducing CMP and CPC DC
First graph shows the situation before the fix. DC oscilates very abruptely
Second graph shows the situation after the fix
Zetaly - 6182 - Question about DC and capping
ZAC L2305231
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2305231 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following :
1. Correction for wrong values presented by FREESPACE when there are Lpars not connected to ZAC
Zetaly - 6193 - Freespaces incorrect
ZAC L2305111
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2305111 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
- Correction for memory overlay introduced in L2210211, which may cause abend S0C4 at different locations
- Inclusion of new parameter BUFF for already existing command SET TRACE.
Now, if command F ZCASC,SET TRACE BUFF is issued, ZAC will display information related to internal buffers,
like offset and size. The command is for ZETALY diagnosis.
This command do not activate a TRACE facility, it is a one-time event only, displaying the information requested.
Zetaly - 6075 - Abend 0C4 at period change
ZAC L2304041
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2304041 DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
1.Correction for abend S0C4 in ASCMAIN
2.Correction for situations where DC was set below R4H when Lpar is PROT=P . This level corrects the situation where DC was set below R4H even with available free space, causing an undesired capping.
Zetaly - 5885 - ZAC change of DC resulting in immediate R4H > DC producing unnecessary capping events
ZAC L2303221
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2303221 .DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2303221 (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4 .LOADLIB.XMI). This new level demands START=COLD and also command F ZCASC, INIT REPORT.
This Level introduces the following :
1. correction of the ASCPRMJN program, indicating the correct variables lpmsumax, lpmsumin and lpprty.
Zetaly - 5816 - MSUMAX adjustments never get reflected in the "Management View" screen.
ZAC L2301241
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2301241.DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2301241.LOADLIB.XMI. (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4). This new level demands START=COLD and also command F ZCASC, INIT REPORT.
This Level introduces the following:
1. Correction of the values returned to the main routine ASCMAIN which caused a loop situation filling the storage areas and causing an abend S0C4
Zetaly-5477- ZAC ABENDS0C4
ZAC L2212131
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2212131.DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2212131.LOADLIB.XMI. (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4). This new level demands START=COLD and also command F ZCASC, INIT REPORT.
This Level introduces the following:
- Correction for setting DC below MSUMIN
- Correction for situations where CMP DC were above CMPMAX
- Correction for PERIOD statement after new limit of 16 CPCs (V4.4 only)
Zetaly-5165- ZAC : DEFCAP inférieur au MSUMIN
ZAC L2210211
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2210211.DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2210211.LOADLIB.XMI
This Level introduces the following:
1- New enhancement allowing ZAC to process until 16 CPCs, instead of the previous limit of 8
This enhancement is available for V4.4 only and will not retrofit to V4.3. In the first initialization, it is mandatory to START=COLD and issue INIT REPORT.
Zetaly-4916 - ZAC- Error: CECS quantity defined
ZAC L2209201
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L22009201.DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2209201.LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
1- Correction for wrong data presented in Container Graphs of Web Report
Zetaly-4448 - ZAC in Error in Cointaner
ZAC L2208311
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2208311.DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2208311.LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
- Correction for message ASC0546E – CMPMAX mmmmm < sum of LPAR DFCBASES nnnnn (V4.3 and V4.4) when CMPMAX/CMPMIN is dynamically modified
- Correction for possible wrong SMF generation of SMF 225 subtype 2
- Correction of the batch utility ASCSMFXL, when processing a broken SMF 225 subtype 2
Zetaly-4456- Message d'erreur ASC0546 (CMPMAX sur prod) lié à somme des DFCBASE prod + container
Zetaly-4415- CAS-03307-F8R9D6 - 0C4 ABEND - 225SMF ASC
ZAC L2207311
ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2207311.DUMP.XMI (If complete installation) or ZCOST.ASCV4400.L2207311.LOADLIB.XMI (If you have already installed ZAC 4.4).
This Level introduces the following:
1.Correction for missing message ASC0605I (V4.3 and V4.4)
2.New limit of 30 simultaneous MODIFY commands (V4.4 only)
3.Possible loop situation in program ASCCACTN under special circunstances (V4.3 and V4.4)
Zetaly-4284 -Suite migration 4.4, disparition des messages ASC0605I
Zetaly-4307-ZAC S0C4