Zetaly Frontal Web
    • 20 Jul 2023
    • 2 Minutes to read
    • Contributors
    • Dark

    Zetaly Frontal Web

    • Dark

    Article summary


    The Zetaly Suite provides a single endpoint to communicate with each module of the Zetaly solution. This endpoint acts as a Frontal Web, and serve the Zetaly Portal.

    Frontal Web Installation

    To install the Frontal Web you must first install the Proxy module and then the Frontend module.

    The Proxy and Frontend modules are provided in the Zetaly Suite package, and must be installed with the Zetaly Installer. For more information about the Zetaly Installer, see Zetaly Installer.

    Install Proxy

    To install the Proxy module, enter the following command:

    .\zetalyinstall.ps1 proxy
    The installation takes 10 to 15 minutes.

    Once the installation is complete, launch the Windows Services Console, and check that the Zetaly proxy service is running:

    You should be able to access to the server via the base URL. If the Zetaly proxy service is running, the following web page appears:

    Install Frontend Module

    Once the Zetaly proxy is available, you can install the Frontend module.

    To install the Frontend module, enter the following command:

    .\zetalyinstall.ps1 front
    The value of the Frontend.TargetDir must be same between the Proxy module and Frontend module installation.

    Once the installation is complete, you can access the Zetaly Portal with your web browser:

    The Zetaly Portal supports the following web browsers:

    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Edge Chromium



    The logs can be found in the installation directory, under .\dist\daemon

    • zetalyproxy.err.log : All the errors
    • zetalyproxy.out.log : Standard output

    Service is Running but the Website is not Reachable

    If another process is already listening on the same port when you start the Zetaly proxy service, it is unable to take the port. In this case, the following error appears in the Error Log (zetalyproxy.err.log):

    (node:7980) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: listen EACCES: permission denied
    at Server.setupListenHandle [as _listen2] (net.js:1301:21)
    at listenInCluster (net.js:1366:12)
    at Server.listen (net.js:1452:7)
    at ExpressAdapter.listen (C:\zetalySuite\proxy\node_modules\@nestjs\platform-express\adapters\express-adapter.js:57:32)
    at C:\zetalySuite\proxy\node_modules\@nestjs\core\nest-application.js:167:46
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at NestApplication.listen (C:\zetalySuite\proxy\node_modules\@nestjs\core\nest-application.js:156:16)
    at async bootstrap (C:\zetalySuite\proxy\dist\main.js:232:5)

    If this happens, you must find which process is listening on the port by entering the following command:

    netstat -aof | find ":<PORT> "

    Where <PORT> is the port number defined by the property FrontalWeb.Port. in the zetalyinstall.cnf file.

    The netstat command above returns the PID of the process listening on the port (for example 6032):

    TCP WIN-9D5925JD3LT.zetaly.lab.local:0 LISTENING 6032
    TCP [::]:80 WIN-9D5925JD3LT.zetaly.lab.local:0 LISTENING 6032

    The last number is the PID using the port. If you want more information about this process, enter the following PowerShell command (where <PID> is the PID of the process you identified already using the port).

    Get-Process -Id <PID>

    You can kill the process using :

    Stop-Process -Id <PID>
    Windows System process - PID=4
    If the process listening to the port is System, do not kill it and follow the instructions below.

    Windows System

    If the PID is 4, IIS may be listening on the same port. Stop the Website hosted by IIS, which is using the same port.

    If you are using the port 80, sometimes Windows http services are running and use this port. You can stop them by entering the following command:

    net stop http

    Once all the processes accessing the port are stopped, you can restart the Zetaly service via the Windows Services Console.

    If the issue persists when using the Zetaly Portal, you might be asked to provide Zetaly support with your browser's logs. For more information, see  Generate a browser's network logs.

    What's Next
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