SMF 89-1 Product Usage Data
    • 29 Feb 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    • Dark

    SMF 89-1 Product Usage Data

    • Dark

    Article summary


    The type 89 record provides information about product usage on a particular MVS™ system. The usage reporting program analyzes the data collected in the type 89 record. For more information see z/OS MVS Product Management. The record is generated on a scheduled interval (1 hour maximum).

    Subtype 1 — Usage data
    Contains, for the scheduled interval, summary usage data for all products across the system that have registered to request usage recording. These products must issue the IFAUSAGE macro to specify:
    Registration information.
    Level and scope of data collection (task or address space level).
    Start and end of collection period.
    For more information on the IFAUSAGE macro, see IFAUSAGE — Collecting usage data.

    The installation controls the scheduling of the type 89 record by checking the INTERVAL value specified for the SMF address space. Because SMF is a started task, this is the INTERVAL value for SUBSYS=STC in the SMFPRMxx member. If the INTERVAL value is less than or equal to one hour, then that value is used as the reporting interval for type 89 records. If that value is greater than one hour, or if no INTERVAL value is specified, then one hour is used as the reporting interval for type 89 recording.
    There are two sets of interval START and STOP times in the record:

    Usage data interval START/STOP.
    Reporting interval START/STOP.

    The usage data interval represents the hourly buckets that the usage reporting program records product usage in. This interval is synchronized to the top of the hour.

    The reporting interval represents the increment when the type 89 records are generated and is also synchronized to the top of the hour. For example, if you specified an interval value of 30 minutes, type 89 records would be generated at 9:00, 9:30, 10:00... If you are collecting usage data at the task level, you may want to synchronize interval processing to the top of the hour in your SMFPRMxx member because task level data collection is scheduled by interval processing.

    SMF type 89 records are generated on the interval as requested; if no products are registered, then a type 89 record is generated with a product count of 0.

    Product intersection time data sections are generated when a product registers at the ADDRSP level, and then invokes a product that registers at the TASK level. When no product intersections occur, the product intersection count in SMF89CNN is zero.

    Product intersection time data sections are generated when a product registers at the ADDRSP level, and then invokes a product that registers at the TASK level.

    When no product intersections occur, the product intersection count in SMF89CNN is zero.


    Stored in swUsageData

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescription
    recordTypeValue is always SW1P
    SMF89PNMrecordNameRecord product name
    SMF89RVNrecordVersionRecord version number
    SMF89OSLmvsLevelMVS™ system level (For example, SP4.3.0)
    SMF89PFLflagTrue if SMF field equal to 1
    SMF89_CoreMode_CPtotCpCpusThe number of CPUs that are active on a CP core
    SMF89_CoreMode_zAAPtotZpCpusThe number of CPUs that are active on a zAAP core
    SMF89_CoreMode_zIIPtotSeCpusThe number of CPUs that are active on a zIIP core
    SMF89SYNsysNameMVS™ system name (SYSNAME from IEASYSxx)
    SMF89CMNmodelNumCPU model number
    SMF89CVNcpuVersionCPU version number
    SMF89SERcpuSerialCPU serial number
    SMF89LP3lparIdLPAR ID
    SMF89RPPprocessingPowerCPU relative processing power indicator
    SMF89SPNsysplexSysplex name (from the SYSPLEX parameter in the COUPLExx parmlib member)
    SMF89CPTcpcTypeCPC type number (blanks if data is not available)
    SMF89CPMcpcModelCPC model number (blanks if data is not available)
    SMF89CPScpcSequenceCPC sequence number (blanks if data is not available)
    SMF89CPCcpuCapabilityCPU capability
    SMF89CCCcpuConfigConfigured CPU count
    SMF89SCCcpuStandbyStandby CPU count
    SMF89UPOprodOwnerProduct owner or vendor name (specified on the PRODOWNER option of the IFAUSAGE macro)
    SMF89UPNprodNameProduct name (specified on the PRODNAME option of the IFAUSAGE macro)
    SMF89UPVprodVerProduct version (specified on the PRODVERS option of the IFAUSAGE macro)
    SMF89UPQprodQualProduct qualifier (specified on the PRODQUAL option of the IFAUSAGE macro)
    SMF89UPIprodIdProduct ID number (specified on the PRODID option of the IFAUSAGE macro)
    SMF89UCTtcbTimeProduct TCB time
    SMF89USRsrbTimeProduct SRB time
    SMF89UZTprodOfflEngineTimeProduct offload engine time

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