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SMF 30-6 System address space, which did not go through full function start
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Stored in cpuData
SMF Field | DB Column name | Description | Unit |
recType | Value is always 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 or 006 | ||
SMF30SID | sid | System identification | |
SMF30JNM | jobNumber | JES job identifier | |
SMF30STN | stepNumber | Step number | |
SMF30RSD/RST | jobRdrTime | Date/Time that the reader recognized the JOB card | |
SMF30STD | startTime | Date that the initiator selected this step | |
SMF30DTE | endTime | Date that the record was moved to the SMF buffer | |
SMF30SYS | sysplex | Largest amount of storage used from top of private area | kilobyte |
SMF30STI | compCode | Step/Job termination indicator | |
SMF30SCC | condCode | Step completion code | |
SMF30ARC | reasonCode | Abend reason code | |
SMF30SYN | systemName | System name | |
SMF30WID | execType | Work type indicator for the address space | |
SMF30JBN | jobName | Job or session name | |
SMF30EXN | pgmName | Program name | |
SMF30STN | stepName | Step number | |
SMF30GRP | racfGroup | RACF group ID | |
SMF30USR | racfUser | Programmer’s name | |
SMF30CLS | jobClass | Job class | |
SMF30TEP | excpCount | Total blocks transferred | |
SMF30SRV | totSuCount | Total service units | |
SMF30CSU | cpuSuCount | CPU service units | |
SMF30SRB | srbSuCount | Service request block service units | |
SMF30IO | ioSuCount | I/O service units | |
SMF30MSO | msoSuCount | Main storage occupancy service units | |
SMF30TRS | trxCount | Number of system resources manager transactions. | |
SMF30RES | trxTime | System resources manager transaction residency time | 1024 microsecond |
SMF30TCN | totConnTime | Total device connect time for this address space | 128 microsecond |
SMF30AIC | dasdConnTime | DASD I/O connect time | 128 microsecond |
SMF30AID | dasdDiscTime | DASD I/O disconnect time | 128 microsecond |
SMF30AIW | dasdPendTime | DASD I/O pending plus control unit queue time | 128 microsecond |
SMF30AIS | dasdSchCount | DASD I/O start subchannel count for address space plus dependent enclaves | |
SMF30EIC | encConnTime | DASD I/O connect time, for independent enclaves owned by the address space | 128 microsecond |
SMF30EID | encDiscTime | DASD I/O disconnect time, for independent enclaves owned by the address space | 128 microsecond |
SMF30EIW | encPendTime | DASD I/O pending plus control unit queue time, for independent enclaves owned by the address space | 128 microsecond |
SMF30EIS | encSchCount | DASD I/O start subchannel count for independent enclaves | |
SMF30CPT | tcbTime | All standard CPU step time | hundredths of a second |
SMF30CPS | srbTime | Step CPU time under the service request block | hundredths of a second |
SMF30IIP | intTime | Amount of CPU time used to process I/O interrupts | hundredths of a second |
SMF30RCT | cpuTime | Amount of CPU time used by the region control task | hundredths of a second |
SMF30ENC | enclaveTime | CPU time used by the independent enclave, but only when in the WLM enclave | |
SMF30DET | depEncTime | CPU time used by the dependent enclave, but only when in the WLM enclave | |
SMF30VPR | vioCount | Number of VIO reclaims | |
SMF30RGN | regionSize | Region size established, rounded up to a 4K boundary | kilobyte |
SMF30PRV | priMemSize | Largest amount of storage used from bottom of private area | kilobyte |
SMF30SYS | sysMemSize | Largest amount of storage used from top of private area | kilobyte |
SMF30ERG | privHiSize | Private area size (greater than 16 megabytes) | byte |
SMF30RGB | privLoSize | Private area size (less than 16 megabytes) | byte |
SMF30WLM | wlmName | Workload name | |
SMF30SCN | wlmClass | Service class name | |
SMF30GRN | wlmGroup | Resource group name | |
SMF30RCN | wlmReport | Report class name | |
SMF30OPI | openPid | z/OS UNIX System Services process ID | |
SMF30OPG | openGpid | z/OS UNIX System Services process group ID | |
SMF30OUI | openUid | z/OS UNIX System Services process user ID | |
SMF30OUG | openGid | z/OS UNIX System Services process user group ID | |
SMF30OSI | openSession | z/OS UNIX System Services process session ID | |
SMF30OST | openCpuTime | Total CPU time accumulated by z/OS UNIX System Services services requested by the process | hundredths of a second |
actionId | |||
SMF30ACT | account | Job or step accounting field | |
SMF30ICU | itcbCpuTime | Initiator CPU time under the task control block (TCB). This field is set at step termination. SMF30ICU = SMF30ICU_STEP_INIT (for this step) + SMF30ICU_STEP_TERM (from the previous step). | hundredths of a second |
SMF30ISB | isrbCpuTime | Initiator CPU time under the service request block (SRB). This field is set at step termination. SMF30ISB = SMF30ISB_STEP_INIT (for this step) + SMF30ISB_STEP_TERM (from the previous step). | hundredths of a second |
SMF30HPT | estCPUtime | CPU time consumed for the step, to support requests for data to be transferred between a hiperspace and an address space, when the hiperspace is backed by expanded storage. The CPU time may vary depending on the availability of expanded storage. | hundredths of a second |