SMF 30-6 System address space, which did not go through full function start
    • 11 Feb 2025
    • 3 Minutes to read
    • Contributors
    • Dark

    SMF 30-6 System address space, which did not go through full function start

    • Dark

    Article summary



    Stored in cpuData

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescriptionUnit
    recTypeValue is always 001, 002, 003, 004, 005 or 006
    SMF30SIDsidSystem identification
    SMF30JNMjobNumberJES job identifier
    SMF30STNstepNumberStep number
    SMF30RSD/RSTjobRdrTimeDate/Time that the reader recognized the JOB card
    SMF30STDstartTimeDate that the initiator selected this step
    SMF30DTEendTimeDate that the record was moved to the SMF buffer
    SMF30SYSsysplexLargest amount of storage used from top of private areakilobyte
    SMF30STIcompCodeStep/Job termination indicator
    SMF30SCCcondCodeStep completion code
    SMF30ARCreasonCodeAbend reason code
    SMF30SYNsystemNameSystem name
    SMF30WIDexecTypeWork type indicator for the address space
    SMF30JBNjobNameJob or session name
    SMF30EXNpgmNameProgram name
    SMF30STNstepNameStep number
    SMF30GRPracfGroupRACF group ID
    SMF30USRracfUserProgrammer’s name
    SMF30CLSjobClassJob class
    SMF30TEPexcpCountTotal blocks transferred
    SMF30SRVtotSuCountTotal service units
    SMF30CSUcpuSuCountCPU service units
    SMF30SRBsrbSuCountService request block service units
    SMF30IOioSuCountI/O service units
    SMF30MSOmsoSuCountMain storage occupancy service units
    SMF30TRStrxCountNumber of system resources manager transactions.
    SMF30REStrxTimeSystem resources manager transaction residency time1024 microsecond
    SMF30TCNtotConnTimeTotal device connect time for this address space128 microsecond
    SMF30AICdasdConnTimeDASD I/O connect time128 microsecond
    SMF30AIDdasdDiscTimeDASD I/O disconnect time128 microsecond
    SMF30AIWdasdPendTimeDASD I/O pending plus control unit queue time128 microsecond
    SMF30AISdasdSchCountDASD I/O start subchannel count for address space plus dependent enclaves
    SMF30EICencConnTimeDASD I/O connect time, for independent enclaves owned by the address space128 microsecond
    SMF30EIDencDiscTimeDASD I/O disconnect time, for independent enclaves owned by the address space128 microsecond
    SMF30EIWencPendTimeDASD I/O pending plus control unit queue time, for independent enclaves owned by the address space128 microsecond
    SMF30EISencSchCountDASD I/O start subchannel count for independent enclaves
    SMF30CPTtcbTimeAll standard CPU step timehundredths of a second
    SMF30CPSsrbTimeStep CPU time under the service request blockhundredths of a second
    SMF30IIPintTimeAmount of CPU time used to process I/O interruptshundredths of a second
    SMF30RCTcpuTimeAmount of CPU time used by the region control taskhundredths of a second
    SMF30ENCenclaveTimeCPU time used by the independent enclave, but only when in the WLM enclave
    SMF30DETdepEncTimeCPU time used by the dependent enclave, but only when in the WLM enclave
    SMF30VPRvioCountNumber of VIO reclaims
    SMF30RGNregionSizeRegion size established, rounded up to a 4K boundarykilobyte
    SMF30PRVpriMemSizeLargest amount of storage used from bottom of private areakilobyte
    SMF30SYSsysMemSizeLargest amount of storage used from top of private areakilobyte
    SMF30ERGprivHiSizePrivate area size (greater than 16 megabytes)byte
    SMF30RGBprivLoSizePrivate area size (less than 16 megabytes)byte
    SMF30WLMwlmNameWorkload name
    SMF30SCNwlmClassService class name
    SMF30GRNwlmGroupResource group name
    SMF30RCNwlmReportReport class name
    SMF30OPIopenPidz/OS UNIX System Services process ID
    SMF30OPGopenGpidz/OS UNIX System Services process group ID
    SMF30OUIopenUidz/OS UNIX System Services process user ID
    SMF30OUGopenGidz/OS UNIX System Services process user group ID
    SMF30OSIopenSessionz/OS UNIX System Services process session ID
    SMF30OSTopenCpuTimeTotal CPU time accumulated by z/OS UNIX System Services services requested by the processhundredths of a second
    SMF30ACTaccountJob or step accounting field
    SMF30ICUitcbCpuTimeInitiator CPU time under the task control block (TCB). This field is set at step termination. SMF30ICU = SMF30ICU_STEP_INIT (for this step) + SMF30ICU_STEP_TERM (from the previous step).hundredths of a second
    SMF30ISBisrbCpuTimeInitiator CPU time under the service request block (SRB). This field is set at step termination. SMF30ISB = SMF30ISB_STEP_INIT (for this step) + SMF30ISB_STEP_TERM (from the previous step).hundredths of a second
    SMF30HPTestCPUtimeCPU time consumed for the step, to support requests for data to be transferred between a hiperspace and an address space, when the hiperspace is backed by expanded storage. The CPU time may vary depending on the availability of expanded storage.hundredths of a second

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