SMF 123-2 zOS Connect - API Requester
    • 19 Mar 2024
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    SMF 123-2 zOS Connect - API Requester

    • Dark

    Article summary


    Using SMF records to monitor requests

    z/OSĀ® Connect EE can be configured to write SMF 123 records, which capture information about individual API provider, API requester and administration requests. This data can be used for auditing, workload monitoring, capacity planning, and problem determination.

    Monitoring API provider and API requester requests
    SMF 123 records have two subtypes and each subtype can have different versions.

    SMF type 123 subtype 1 recordsVersion 1 contains some basic information about both API provider and API requester requests.Version 2 supersedes version 1 and contains more detailed information about each API provider request, including information about which system of record (SOR) the request was sent to. The version 2 record contains data for multiple requests in one record, making it more efficient as the server information is captured once per record rather than for each request.SMF type 123 subtype 2 recordsVersion 2 supersedes subtype 1 version 1 and contains more detailed information about each API requester request, including information about what HTTP endpoint the request was sent to. The version 2 record contains data for multiple requests in one record, making it more efficient as the server information is captured once per record rather than for each request.

    Important: SMF 123 subtype 1 version 2 and SMF 123 subtype 2 version 2 together are known as version 2 of the SMF 123 records. Version 2 records contain data for multiple requests in a single SMF record. Therefore, the record is only written when either of the following conditions is met:

    The server processes the required number of requests to fill a record. Currently this is 20.
    The server is shutdown.
    z/OS Connect EE provides the audit interceptor to capture SMF 123 records, see Configuring the audit interceptor. By default the audit interceptor captures version 1 records. To enable version 2 records, you must specify the required attributes for API provider and API requester.

    SMF 123 version 2 records are not a compatible extension of the version 1 records. Therefore, before you select version 2 of the records, check that the tools you use to format SMF 123 records support the version 2 format.

    Monitoring administration requests
    The audit interceptor monitors all administration requests sent to z/OS Connect EE. This includes administration requests for APIs, services and API requester resources.

    Note: All administration requests are classified as API provider requests and are therefore written as SMF 123 subtype 1 records.

    API provider data from SMF type 123 subtype 1 version 2 records.
    The SMF type 123 subtype 1 version 2 record is used to capture enhanced data for individual API provider requests.
    API requester data from SMF type 123 subtype 2 version 2 records.
    The SMF type 123 subtype 2 version 2 record is used to capture enhanced data for individual API requester requests.
    Request data from SMF type 123 subtype 1 version 1 records
    The SMF type 123 subtype 1 version 1 record is used to capture some basic data for individual requests.

    zOS Connect is a product used to make easier the interface between user applications and mainframe, and auditing is made through SMF record 123.

    SMF 123 has 2 subtypes, subtype 1 used to list API Provider fields and subtype 2, used to list API requester fields.

    Both subtypes can be produced with less and simple information, what is called VERSION 1, which is the default, and with more details and with more data (VERSION 2). To produce VERSION 2 SMF records is necessary to modify the configuration in zOS Connect parameters.


    Stored in zcoar

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescription
    zcohd_record_typeValue is always ZC02
    SMF123_SIDzcohd_sidSystem ID from the SID parameter
    SMF123_DATEzcohd_recorded_datetimeDate when record was moved into the SMF buffer
    SMF123_SERVER_SYSTEM (V2)zcohd_server_systemSystem name (CVTSNAME)
    SMF123_SERVER_SYSPLEX (V2)zcohd_server_sysplexSysplex name (ECVTSPLX)
    SMF123_SERVER_JOBIDzcohd_server_job_idJob ID of the server (JSABJBID)
    SMF123_SERVER_JOBNAME (V2)zcohd_server_jobnameJob name of the server (JSABJBNM)
    SMF123_SERVER_STOKEN (V2)zcohd_server_stokenSToken of the server (ASS-BSTKN)
    SMF123_SERVER_CONFIG_DIR (V2)zcohd_server_config_dirThe path to where server.xml for the server is located, this includes the server name
    SMF123_SERVER_VERSION (V2)zcohd_server_versionVersion of the server <v.r.m.f>
    SMF123S2_REQ_APP_TYPEzcoar_req_app_typeRequest Type
    1. CICS
    2. IMS
    3. z/OS
    SMF123S2_TIME_ZC_ENTRYzcoar_zc_entry_datetimeTime of z/OS Connect Entry
    SMF123S2_TIME_ZC_EXITzcoar_zc_exit_datetimeTime of z/OS Connect Exit
    SMF123S2_TIME_STUB_SENTzcoar_stub_sent_datetimeTime the request left the calling application
    SMF123S2_TIME_TOKEN_GET_STARTzcoar_token_get_start_datetimeTime z/OS Connect started to obtain one or more access tokens
    SMF123S2_TIME_TOKEN_GET_FINISHzcoar_token_get_finish_datetimeTime z/OS Connect completed obtaining the access token(s)
    SMF123S2_TIME_ENDPOINT_SENTzcoar_endpoint_sent_datetimeTime z/OS Connect sent the request to the endpoint
    SMF123S2_TIME_ENDPOINT_RECEIVEDzcoar_endpoint_received_datetimeTime z/OS Connect received a response from the endpoint
    SMF123S2_HTTP_RESP_CODEzcoar_http_resp_codeHTTP response code returned from the API endpoint
    SMF123S2_REQ_STATUS_CODEzcoar_req_status_codeHTTP status code that is returned to the z/OS application
    SMF123S2_RESP_FLAGSzcoar_resp_flagsResponse flags
    SMF123S2_USER_NAMEzcoar_user_nameDistributed or SAF ID
    SMF123S2_USER_NAME_MAPPEDzcoar_user_name_mappedIf a distributed ID was sent on the request and is mapped to a SAF username, then this value is the authenticated SAF username. Otherwise, this value is blank
    SMF123S2_USER_NAME_ASSERTEDzcoar_user_name_assertedz/OS application asserted user ID
    SMF123S2_API_REQ_NAMEzcoar_api_req_nameAPI requester name
    SMF123S2_API_REQ_VERSIONzcoar_api_req_versionAPI requester version
    SMF123S2_ENDPOINT_REFERENCEzcoar_endpoint_referenceReference to the element in server.xml that identifies the connection to the API endpoint
    SMF123S2_ENDPOINT_HOSTzcoar_endpoint_hostThe value of the host property of the API endpoint
    SMF123S2_ENDPOINT_PORTzcoar_endpoint_portThe value of the port property of the API endpoint
    SMF123S2_ENDPOINT_FULL_PATHzcoar_endpoint_full_pathThe full path invoked on the API endpoint
    SMF123S2_ENDPOINT_METHODzcoar_endpoint_methodThe HTTP method used for the API endpoint request, GET/POST/PUT/DELETE/OPTIONS
    SMF123S2_ENDPOINT_QUERY_STRINGzcoar_endpoint_query_stringThe query string that is passed to the API endpoint
    SMF123S2_REQ_PAYLOAD_LENzcoar_req_payload_lenLength of the request payload sent to the API endpointbyte
    SMF123S2_RESP_PAYLOAD_LENzcoar_resp_payload_lenLength of the response payload received from the API endpointbyte
    SMF123S2_MVS_JOBNAMEzcoar_mvs_jobnameMVS Job Name of the calling application (JSAB -> JSABJBNM)
    SMF123S2_MVS_JOBIDzcoar_mvs_jobidMVS Job ID of the calling application (JSAB -> JSABJBID)
    SMF123S2_MVS_SYSNAMEzcoar_mvs_sysnameMVS System Name of the calling application (CVT -> CVTSNAME)
    SMF123S2_MVS_ASIDzcoar_mvs_asidMVS ASID of the calling application (ASCB -> ASCBASID)
    SMF123S2_MVS_SIDzcoar_mvs_sidMVS SID of the calling application (SMCA -> SMCASID)
    SMF123S2_CICS_APPLIDzcoar_cics_applidThe APPLID of the CICS region
    SMF123S2_CICS_TASK_NUMBERzcoar_cics_task_numberThe CICS task number of the calling application
    SMF123S2_CICS_TRANSIDzcoar_cics_transidThe CICS transaction ID of the calling application
    SMF123S2_CICS_RMUOWIDzcoar_cics_rmuowidThe CICS Recovery Manager UOW ID of the calling application
    SMF123S2_IMS_IDENTIFIERzcoar_ims_identifierThe identifier from the execution parameters of the calling application
    SMF123S2_IMS_REGION_IDzcoar_ims_region_idThe region identifier of the calling application
    SMF123S2_IMS_TRANSNAMEzcoar_ims_transnameThe transaction name of the calling application
    SMF123S2_IMS_APPNAMEzcoar_ims_appnameThe name of the application
    SMF123S2_IMS_PSBNAMEzcoar_ims_psbnameThe name of the PSB
    SMF123S2_IMS_RECOVERY_TOKENzcoar_ims_recovery_tokenThe recovery token for the UOW of the calling application
    SMF123S2_REQ_IDzcoar_req_idRequest identifier that is unique within a z/OS Connect server instance

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