SMF 119-2
    • 19 Mar 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    SMF 119-2

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    Article summary



    Stored in tcpIpConnData

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescription
    recordTypeValue is always TCP2
    systemNameSystem name from SYSNAME in IEASYSxx
    sysplexSysplex name from SYSPLEX in COUPLExx
    stackNameTCP/IP stack name
    releaseIdz/OS Communications Server TCP/IP release identifier
    subComponentTCP/IP subcomponent
    asNameStarted task qualifier or address space name of address space
    userIdUser id of security context under which this SMF record is
    asIdASID of address space that writes this SMF record
    reasonWriteReason for writing this SMF record
    nextRecordIdValue used by the following SMF 119 records
    SMF119AP_TTRNamesocketResourceNameTCP socket resource name (Address space name of address space that closed this TCP connection)
    SMF119AP_TTConnIDsocketResourceIdTCP socket resource ID (connection ID)
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSCStlsConnStatusAT-TLS connection status
    1. Connection is not secure
    2. Connection handshake in progress
    3. Connection is secure
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSPStlsPolicyStatusAT-TLS Policy Status
    1. Policy status is not known
    2. AT-TLS function off
    3. No policy defined for connection
    4. Policy defined for connection; AT-TLS not enabled
    5. Policy defined for connection; AT-TLS enabled
    6. Policy defined for connection; AT-TLS enabled and Application Controlled
    SMF119AP_TTTermCodereasonCodeReason code for connection termination
    1. Error occurred during a send using FRCA(AFPA), possibly because the stack is terminating.
    2. A persistent socket used by FRCA (AFPA) was closed by a FIN.
    3. The connection was terminated because the stack was terminating.
    4. Last stack that can own the dynamic VIPA bound to the socket is terminating
    5. Intrusion detection found the connection to be malicious and closed the connection.
    6. Connection was denied because of a NetAccess rule.
    7. ACK received in lastack state.
    8. The connection was terminated because of an administrator action (for example, using Netstat DRop/-D command or the NMI API).
    9. The connection was terminated because the local IP address bound by the application has been deleted from the stack.
    10. The connection from a client was terminated because the application closed the socket before performing an accept().
    11. The application using the socket, closed the connection using a close().
    12. A pascal routine issued an orderly close request.
    13. A pascal routine issued a disconnect.
    14. An error occurred during a pascal accept.
    15. The connection was terminated because the client sent a reset.
    16. The connection was closed because the same packet was being re-transmitted multiple times.
    17. The connection was closed because the TCP window was reduced to 0 and multiple window probes were not acknowledged.
    18. The connection was closed because multiple keepalive probes were not acknowledged.
    19. The connection was terminated because the stack timed out waiting for a fin in the finwait-2 state.
    20. The connection was terminated because a global TCP stall attack was detected.
    21. The connection was terminated because a TCP queue size attack was detected.
    SMF119AP_TTSubtasksubTaskNameSubtask Name (Address of MVS™ TCB for the task that owns this connection. This is not the subtask value specified on an INITAPI call.)
    SMF119AP_TTSDatedateConnEstblDate of connection establishment (GMT)
    SMF119AP_TTETimedateConnTimeWaitDate connection entered TIMEWAIT or LASTACK state (GMT)
    SMF119AP_TTRIPremoteIpAddrConnCloseRemote IP address at time of connection close
    SMF119AP_TTLIPlocalIpAddrConnCloseLocal IP address at time of connection close
    SMF119AP_TTRPortremotePortNumConnCloseRemote port number at time of connection close
    SMF119AP_TTLPortlocalPortNumConnCloseLocal port number at time of connection close
    SMF119AP_TTInBytesinboundByteCountInbound byte count
    SMF119AP_TTOutBytesoutboundByteCountOutbound byte count
    SMF119AP_TTTOStypeOfServiceType of Service (ToS) used by this connection
    SMF119AP_TTTelLUNameluNameLU name
    SMF119AP_TTTelAppltargetApplNameTarget application name
    SMF119AP_TTTelLogmodelogmodeNameLogmode name
    SMF119AP_TTTelStatusstatusWordStatus word
    SMF119AP_TTTelTermCodereasonConnCloseReason code for closing connection. The socket must be accessible to the TN3270 server to record a reason
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSSPtlsProtocolAT-TLS SSL /TLS Protocol
    1. SSL Version 2
    2. SSL Version 3
    3. TLS Version 1.0
    4. TLS Version 1.1
    5. TLS Version 1.2
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSNCtlsNegotCipherAT-TLS Negotiated Cipher. If the value is 4X, the cipher must be obtained from SMF119AP_TTTTLSNC4
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSSTtlsSecurityTypeAT-TLS Security Type
    1. Client
    2. Server
    3. Server with client authentication, ClientAuthType = PassThru
    4. Server with client authentication, ClientAuthType = Full
    5. Server with client authentication, ClientAuthType = Required
    6. Server with client authentication, ClientAuthType = SAFCheck
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSFPfipsFIPS 140 status
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSSESSIDLENtlsSessionIdLenLength of the AT-TLS session ID
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSUIDtlsPartnerUseridAT-TLS Partner UserID
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSNC4tlsNegotCipher4BAT-TLS Negotiated Four Byte Cipher
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSSESSIDtlsSessionIdAT-TLS session ID
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSSRUsslSessionReuseSSL session reuse
    SMF119AP_TTTTLSNKStlsNegotKeyShareAT-TLS Negotiated Key Share (present when protocol is TLS Version 1.3)

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