- Print
- DarkLight
If you have a problem with the ZRP module, contact us and provide the following:
- Logs
- How to reproduce the issue
- Reference if needed
ZRP logs can be found at %Installation Directory%/logs/
Two files contain relevant information:
If you are able to reproduce your issue, before sending us the logs file, you can activate the "DEBUG" mode level.
To activate debug level logs, edit the application.properties
file within the %Installation Directory%/config/
directory, and update the property quarkus.log.level
as follows:
quarkus.log.level = DEBUG
Relaunch the ZRP service and reproduce your bug. Then send us the debug level logs.
After sending the debug level logs, set the logging back to warning level. Edit the application.properties
file within the %Installation Directory%/config/
directory, and update the property quarkus.log.level
as follows:
quarkus.log.level = WARN
Relaunch the ZRP service.
SMF Reference
If there are issues when importing an SMF reference, it is important to provide us your data. If possible, extract the data from the tables described in this article for the period causing the issue.
Export all the tables
SQL Server
The first step is to get all bcp commands for each zrp table
SELECT 'bcp '
+ ' out c:/'
+ REPLACE(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id),' ','') + '_'
+ REPLACE(name,' ','')
+ '.txt -T -c'
FROM sys.tables
Copy the results (it should be multiple lines beginning with bcp), then paste it on a bash. After some time you should retrieve all the files under C:/. If you want to put the files in another folder you can edit the script at the line ' out c:/' and add a path after c:/ (the folder needs to exist).