• 11 Feb 2025
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Article summary



    Stored in dsData

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescriptionUnit
    recTypeValue is always 014 or 015
    SMF15OPDopenTimeDate when the data set was opened
    SMF15DTEcloseTimeDate when the record was moved into the SMF buffer.
    JFCBCRDTcrDateData set creation date. This date is the date of the Allocation of the data set and is not valid until the Allocation is processing
    JFCBXPDTexpdDateExpiration date for a data set
    SMF15SIDsidSystem identification (from the SID parameter)
    JFCBDSNMdsnameData set name
    JFCBELNMmemberNameMember name or relative generation number
    SMF15UIDracfUserUser-defined identification field
    SMF15RSDjobRdrTimeDate when the reader recognized the JOB card
    SMF15JBNjobNameJob name
    SMF15SPNstepNameJob step name
    SMF15PGNpgmNameJob step program name
    SMFTIOE5ddNameData definition name
    SMFSRTEVvolserVolume serial number
    SMF15RINdsindRecord and data set indicator. Bit Meaning When Set :
    1. Reserved
    2. SMF14EOV. Record written by end of volume (EOV)
    3. SMF14DAD. DASD.
    4. SMF14TDS. Temporary data set.
    5. SMF14DDA. DCBDSORG=DA (the data set organization being used is direct access-BDAM).
    6. SMF14IS. DCBDSORG=IS and DCBMACRF not EXCP (the data set organization being used is indexed sequential and the EXCP access method is not being used).
    7. SMF14JIS. JFCDSORG=IS (the data set organization being used is indexed sequential).
    8. SMF14VIO. Virtual input output (VIO) data set access.
    9. SMF14IPD. Partitioned data set directory entries (PDSE) data set.
    10. SMF14TRC. The QSAM TRUNC macro has been issued against a PDSE.
    11. SMF14NSG. Null segment encountered in a PDSE.
    12. SMF14STR. Extended format sequential data set indicator.
    13. SMF14HBT. Hiperbatch section present.
    14. SMF14XSG. Extended information segment present.
    15. SMF14TCL. Task termination closed the DCB.
    16. SMF14ABD. Task is terminating (TCBFA is on).
    JFCBTSDMjfcbtsdmJob management/Data management interface
    JFCBIND1jfcbind1Indicator byte 1
    JFCBIND2jfcbind2Indicator byte 2
    JFCBCTRIspaceTypeSpace parameters
    JFCBLKSIblkSizeMaximum block size
    JFCBPQTYspacePriPrimary quantity of direct access storage required
    JFCBSQTYspaceSecSecondary quantity of direct access storage required
    JFCLRECLlreclLogical record length
    • NEW : isDispNew
    • MOD : isDispMod
    • SHR : isDispShr
    • OLD : isDispOld
    • UNK
    JFCDSORGdsorgData set organization
    JFCRECFMrecfmRecord format
    JFCBNVOLnVolsNumber of volume serial numbers
    SMFDEBVLvolSeqVolume sequence number. For direct access, the sequence number is relative to the first volume of the data set. For tape, the sequence number is relative to the first volume processed. This field is valid only for sequential data sets
    SMF15NEXnumExtentsNumber of extents
    SMF15NTAnumTracksNumber of tracks allocated on the device
    SMFUCBDVdevnumDevice number
    SMFUCBTYucbtypeUnit type
    JFCBLTYPlabelLabel type
    JFCDENdensityTape density
    SMF15MCNsmsMgmtClsSMS Management class name
    SMF15DCNsmsDataClsSMS Data class name
    SMF15SCNsmsStorClsSMS Storage class name
    SMFEXCPexcpCountEXCP count for entire step
    SMFSRTEFdsSeqCountData set sequence count
    SMFSRTEQdsSeqNumData set sequence number
    SMFDCBBLtotBlkCountBlock count for each volume
    SMF15UDLnumRwBytesNumber of bytes of data read or written since this openbyte
    SMF15CDStotSizeBytesSize of the compressed format data setbyte
    SMF15CDLcompRwBytesNumber of bytes of compressed data read or written since this openbyte
    SMF15UDScompSizeBytesSize of the compressed format data setbyte
    SMF15CIScompBlkSizePhysical block size of extended format data setbyte
    JFCBIND1isTapeBit 2 and 7 are not set
    JFCBIND1isDasdBit 2
    JFCBIND1isTempIf Bit 3 is set
    or dsname begin with SYS
    or dsname is like ********.T
    or dsname 17th character is a dot
    JFCBIND1isVioBit 7
    JFCBIND1isGdgIf Bit 6 is set
    or dsname end like .G****V00
    JFCBIND1isPdsMemberBit 7
    SMF15RINisPdseBit 0
    JFCBTSDMisCatalogedBit 0
    SMF15RINisHiperBit 4
    isIsamBit 5 and 6 are set
    JFCBIND2isDeleteBit 7
    JFCBIND1isRlseBit 0 and 1 are set
    isInputValue is always true for SMF14 and false for SMF15
    isOutputValue is always false for SMF14 and true for SMF15
    JFCBIND2isDispNewBit 0 and 1 are set
    JFCBIND2isDispOldBit 1 set and 4 not set
    JFCBIND2isDispModBit 0
    JFCBIND2isDispShrBit 1 and 4 are set

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