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SMF 111-3 Gateway Daemon Statistics
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When you install CICS® Transaction Gateway, a C header file and a IBM® z/OS® assembler copy macro are provided to define the SMF record structure. The C header file is CTGSMF, located in the SCTGINCL data set and the IBM z/OS assembler copy macro is file CTGSMFA, located in the SCTGMAC data set.
Figure 1. SMF record format
- SMF header data structure
The format of the header for the SMF record for type 111 records is fixed and is common to SMF records from other CICS products. The Gateway daemon completes the following fields that are marked with "*". The SMF subsystem fills in the rest of the fields. User applications are not required to complete any SMF fields. - SMF product section data structure
The Gateway daemon fills in all the fields in the generic product section for the SMF record for type 111 records. Parts of the record are of fixed format and common to all SMF products. Some parts of this record are specific to CICS Transaction Gateway and have the prefix "CTG". - Statistics record header
The data section contains a number of statistics records. Each statistics record has a header. The header is common to all CICS Transaction Gateway statistics records. You can work out the type of data that follows the record from the CTG_RECORDID and CTG_RECVER fields. - Connection Manager (CM) statistics SMF data
CICS Transaction Gateway CM statistics use this format for writing SMF records. - CICS Server all (CS) statistics SMF data
CICS Transaction Gateway CS statistics use this format for writing SMF records. - CICS Server Instance (CSx) SMF statistics for EXCI
CICS Transaction Gateway statistics records normally have only one instance. The exceptions are CSx and WSx statistics. - CICS Server Instance (CSx) SMF statistics for IPIC
CICS Transaction Gateway statistics records normally have only one instance. The exceptions are CSx and WSx statistics. - Gateway daemon (GD) statistics SMF data
CICS Transaction Gateway daemon statistics use this format for writing SMF records. - Protocol handler (PH) statistics SMF data
CICS Transaction Gateway PH statistics have this format. - System environment (SE) statistics SMF data
CICS Transaction Gateway SE statistics have this format. - Worker thread (WT) statistics SMF data
CICS Transaction Gateway WT statistics have this format. - Web service all (WS) statistics SMF data
CICS Transaction Gateway WS statistics use this format for writing SMF records. - Web service instance (WSx) SMF statistics
CICS Transaction Gateway statistics records normally have only one instance. The exceptions are CSx and WSx statistics. - SMF date format - byte packed date format
Definition of the format used to represent dates in SMF. - SMF data format - sample values
Sample values for CTG_COLTIME and CTG_LOCOFFSET.
Stored in ctggd
SMF Field | DB Column name | Description | Unit |
ctghd_rty | Value is always CTG3 | ||
SMF11_SID | ctghd_sid | SID | |
SMF111_SDTE | ctghd_dttm | Date-Time the record was written | |
SMF111_VRM | ctghd_vrm | Record version | |
SMF111_PRN | ctghd_prn | Generic Product Name | |
SMF111_SPN | ctghd_spn | Gateway daemon identifier | |
CTG_STATTYPE | ctghd_statype | Statistics type. This event drives the statistic to be recorded | |
CTG_COLDATE CTG_COLTIME | ctghd_coldttm | Collection date and time | |
CTG_LOCOFFSET | ctghd_locoffset | Offset from GMT to local time | second |
CTG_LSTRESET | ctghd_lstreset | Last reset time or initialization time | second |
CTG_INTERVAL | ctghd_interval | Length of time remaining before the next interval. | second |
CTG_INTVCOUNT | ctghd_intvcount | A sequence number that increments each time an interval is requested | |
CTG_STARTDATE CTG_STARTTIME | ctghd_startdttm | Gateway start date and time | |
CTG_GD_CHEALTH | ctggd_chealth | Gateway daemon health | |
CTG_GD_CSTATUS | ctggd_cstatus | Gateway daemon status | |
CTG_GD_LALLREQ | ctggd_lallreq | Number of requests processed | |
CTG_GD_LLUWTXNC | ctggd_lluwtxnc | Extended LUW transactions committed | |
CTG_GD_LLUWTXNR | ctggd_lluwtxnr | Extended LUW transactions rolled back | |
CTG_GD_LRUNTIME | ctggd_lruntime | Gateway daemon running time | second |
CTG_GD_LSYNCTXN | ctggd_lsynctxn | Successful SYNCONRETURN transactions | |
CTG_GD_LXATXNC | ctggd_lxatxnc | XA commit requests successfully processed | |
CTG_GD_LXATXNR | ctggd_lxatxnr | XA rollback requests successfully processed | |
CTG_GD_SNAME | ctggd_sname | Gateway daemon name | |
CTG_GD_IALLREQ | ctggd_iallreq | Number of requests processed | |
CTG_GD_IRUNTIME | ctggd_iruntime | Gateway daemon running time | seconjd |
CTG_GD_ISYNCTXN | ctggd_isynctxn | Successful SYNCONRETURN transactions | |
CTG_GD_IXATXNC | ctggd_ixatxnc | XA commit requests successfully processed | |
CTG_GD_IXATXNR | ctggd_ixatxnr | XA rollback requests successfully processed | |
CTG_GD_ILUWTXNC | ctggd_iluwtxnc | Extended LUW transactions committed | |
CTG_GD_ILUWTXNR | ctggd_iluwtxnr | Extended LUW transactions rolled back | |
CTG_GD_IAVRESP | ctggd_iavresp | Average Gateway daemon response time | millisecond |
CTG_GD_LAVRESP | ctggd_lavresp | Average Gateway daemon response time | millisecond |
CTG_GD_IREQDATA | ctggd_ireqdata | Amount of client request data | |
CTG_GD_LREQDATA | ctggd_lreqdata | Amount of client request data | |
CTG_GD_IRESPDATA | ctggd_irespdata | Amount of client response data | |
CTG_GD_LRESPDATA | ctggd_lrespdata | Amount of client response data | |
CTG_GD_CSYNCTXN | ctggd_csynctxn | Number of SYNCONRETURN transactions | |
CTG_GD_CLUWTXN | ctggd_cluwtxn | Number of extended LUW transactions | |
CTG_GD_CXATXN | ctggd_cxatxn | Number of XA transactions | |
CTG_GD_LXAREQ | ctggd_lxareq | Number of XA requests | |
CTG_GD_IXAREQ | ctggd_ixareq | Number of XA requests | |
CTG_GD_SAPPLID | ctggd_sapplid | CICS transaction gateway APPLID | |
CTG_GD_SAPPLIDQ | ctggd_sapplidq | CICS transaction gateway APPLID qualifier | |
CTG_GD_SSTATINT | ctggd_sstatint | Length of the statistics interval | |
CTG_GD_SSTATEOD | ctggd_sstateod | Logical end-of-day time | |
CTG_GD_CNEXTRESET | ctggd_cnextreset | End of interval time | |
CTG_GD_LHAEXIT | ctggd_lhaexit | Number of CICS request exit was called | |
CTG_GD_IHAEXIT | ctggd_ihaexit | Number of CICS request exit was called | |
CTG_GD_LSYNCFAIL | ctggd_lsyncfail | SYNCONRETURN transactions that have failed for the duration of the Gateway daemon process | |
CTG_GD_ISYNCFAIL | ctggd_isyncfail | SYNCONRETURN transactions that have failed in the current interval | |
CTG_GD_SDFLTSRV | ctggd_sdfltsrv | The default CICS server for the CICS Transaction Gateway | |
CTG_GD_SHOSTNAME | ctggd_shostname | The host name of the CICS Transaction Gateway computer | |
CTG_GD_LXACOMP | ctggd_lxacomp | Number of XA transactions completed for HA group | |
CTG_GD_IXACOMP | ctggd_ixacomp | Number of XA transactions completed for HA group | |
CTG_GD_LXATXNH | ctggd_lxatxnhi | Peak number of in flight XA transactions | |
CTG_GD_IXATANHI | ctggd_ixatanhi | Peak number of in flight XA transactions | |
CTG_GD_LAVRESPIO | ctggd_lavrespio | Average Gateway daemon response time with I/O | millisecond |
CTG_GD_IAVRESPIO | ctggd_iavrespio | Average Gateway daemon response time with I/O | millisecond |