SMF 110-1 CICS TS for z/OS Statistics
    • 12 Sep 2024
    • 10 Minutes to read
    • Contributors
    • Dark

    SMF 110-1 CICS TS for z/OS Statistics

    • Dark

    Article summary



    Stored in cicsData

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescriptionUnit
    recTypeValue is always 110
    JOBNAMEjobNameCurrent job name
    TRANtrxTransaction identification
    TTYPEttypeTransaction start type
    • TO - Attached from terminal input
    • S - Attached by automatic transaction initiation (ATI) without data
    • SD - Attached by automatic transaction initiation (ATI) with data
    • QD - Attached by transient data trigger level
    • U - Attached by user request
    • TP - Attached from terminal TCTTE transaction ID
    • SZ - Attached by front-end programming interface (FEPI)
    PGMNAMEpgmNameCurrent program name. Program starting with 'DFH' is considered as an internal workload
    TCLSNAMEtrxClassTransaction class name. This field is null if the transaction is not in a TRANCLASS
    durationTimeTime between startTime and endTime100 nanoseconds
    USRDISPTdispatchTimeTotal elapsed time during which the user task was dispatched on each CICS® TCB under which the task ran. The TCB modes managed by the CICS dispatcher are: QR, RO, CO, FO, SZ ,RP, SL, SP, SO, EP, L8, L9, S8, TP, T8, X8, X9, and D2. Be aware that, for each CICS release, new TCB modes might be added to this list, or obsolete TCB modes might be removed. For more information about dispatch time and CPU time see IBM documentationMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    USRCPUTcpuTimeProcessor time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS TCB under which the task ran. The TCB modes managed by the CICS dispatcher are: QR, RO, CO, FO, SZ, RP, SL, SP, SO, EP, L8, L9, S8, TP, T8, X8, X9, and D2. Be aware that, for each CICS release, new TCB modes might be added to this list, or obsolete TCB modes might be removed. For more information about dispatch time and CPU time see IBM documentationMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    QRCPUTqrTimeThe processor time for which the user task was dispatched on the CICS QR TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    MSCPUTmsTimeThe processor time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    L8CPUTl8TimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS L8 mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    J8CPUTj8TimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    S8CPUTs8TimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS S8 mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    KY8CPUTky8TimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher on a CICS Key 8 mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    KY9CPUTky9TimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher on a CICS Key 9 mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    L9CPUTl9TimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS L9 mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    J9CPUTj9TimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    ROCPUTroTimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher on the CICS RO mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    X8CPUTx8TimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS X8 mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    X9CPUTx9TimeThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS X9 mode TCBMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    RMUOWIDuowIdThe identifier of the unit of work (unit of recovery) for this task. Unit of recovery values are used to synchronize recovery operations among CICS and other resource managers, such as IMS and DB2®
    TRANFLAGtrxFlagTransaction flags, a string of 64 bits used for signaling transaction definition and status information
    ICTOTCTicCountTotal number of Interval Control Start, Cancel, Delay, and Retrieve requests issued by the user task
    LMDELAYlockTimeThe elapsed time that the user task waited to acquire a lock on a resource. A user task cannot explicitly acquire a lock on a resource, but many CICS modules lock resources on behalf of user tasks using the CICS lock manager (LM) domainMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    ENQDELAYenqTimeThe elapsed time waiting for a CICS task control local enqueue. For more information, see Clocks and time stampsMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    ICDELAYicTimeThe elapsed time that the user task waited as a result of issuing one of the following commands
    • An interval control EXEC CICS DELAY command for a specified time interval
    • An interval control EXEC CICS DELAY command for a specified time of day to expire
    • An interval control EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command with the WAIT option specified
    Multiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    SUSPTIMEsuspTimeTotal elapsed wait time for which the user task was suspended by the dispatcherMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    DSPDELAYfstDispTimeThe elapsed time waiting for first dispatchMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    DISPWTTdispWaitTimeElapsed time for which the user task waited for redispatch. This time is the aggregate of the wait times between each event completion and user-task redispatch. This field does not include the elapsed time spent waiting for first dispatchMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    DB2RDYQWdb2RdyTimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    DB2CONWTdb2ConnTimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    DSCHMDLYchModeTimeThe elapsed time in which the user task waited for redispatch after a CICS Dispatcher change-TCB mode request was issued by or on behalf of the user taskMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    QRMODDLYqrModeTimeThe elapsed time for which the user task waited for redispatch on the CICS QR mode TCB. This time is the aggregate of the wait times between each event completion and user-task redispatch. This field does not include the elapsed time spent waiting for the first dispatchMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    RMITIMErmiTimeThe total elapsed time spent in the CICS Resource Manager Interface (RMI)Multiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    RMISUSPrmiSuspTimeThe total elapsed time that the task was suspended by the CICS dispatcher while in the CICS Resource Manager Interface (RMI)Multiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    RLSWAITrlsTimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    LU62WTTlu62TimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    WMQGETWTmqTimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    TCLDELAYtclsTimeThe elapsed time waiting for first dispatch, which was delayed because of the limits set for the transaction class of this transaction (trxClass field), being reached
    MXTDELAYmxtTimeThe elapsed time waiting for the first dispatch, which was delayed because of the limits set by the system parameter, MXT, being reachedMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    TCIOWTTtermTimeMultiply by 0.000016 to get seconds
    TRANNUMtrxNumTransaction identification number

    The following fields have been added with v4.1.1, they are available with CICS v3.2

    SMF FieldDB Column nameDescriptionUnit
    USRDISPTdispatchTimeMsTotal elapsed time during which the user task was dispatched on each CICS® TCB under which the task ran. The TCB modes managed by the CICS dispatcher are: QR, RO, CO, FO, SZ ,RP, SL, SP, SO, EP, L8, L9, S8, TP, T8, X8, X9, and D2. Be aware that, for each CICS release, new TCB modes might be added to this list, or obsolete TCB modes might be removed. For more information about dispatch time and CPU time see IBM documentationmicrosecond
    USRCPUTcpuTimeMsProcessor time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS TCB under which the task ran. The TCB modes managed by the CICS dispatcher are: QR, RO, CO, FO, SZ, RP, SL, SP, SO, EP, L8, L9, S8, TP, T8, X8, X9, and D2. Be aware that, for each CICS release, new TCB modes might be added to this list, or obsolete TCB modes might be removed. For more information about dispatch time and CPU time see IBM documentationmicrosecond
    QRCPUTqrTimeMsThe processor time for which the user task was dispatched on the CICS QR TCBmicrosecond
    MSCPUTmsTimeMsThe processor time for which the user task was dispatched on each CICS TCBmicrosecond
    L8CPUTl8TimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS L8 mode TCBmicrosecond
    S8CPUTs8TimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS S8 mode TCBmicrosecond
    KY8CPUTky8TimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher on a CICS Key 8 mode TCBmicrosecond
    KY9CPUTky9TimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher on a CICS Key 9 mode TCBmicrosecond
    L9CPUTl9TimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS L9 mode TCBmicrosecond
    ROCPUTroTimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher on the CICS RO mode TCBmicrosecond
    X8CPUTx8TimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS X8 mode TCBmicrosecond
    X9CPUTx9TimeMsThe processor time during which the user task was dispatched by the CICS dispatcher domain on a CICS X9 mode TCBmicrosecond
    LMDELAYlockTimeMsThe elapsed time that the user task waited to acquire a lock on a resource. A user task cannot explicitly acquire a lock on a resource, but many CICS modules lock resources on behalf of user tasks using the CICS lock manager (LM) domainmicrosecond
    ENQDELAYenqTimeMsThe elapsed time waiting for a CICS task control local enqueue. For more information, see Clocks and time stampsmicrosecond
    ICDELAYicTimeMsThe elapsed time that the user task waited as a result of issuing one of the following commands
    • An interval control EXEC CICS DELAY command for a specified time interval
    • An interval control EXEC CICS DELAY command for a specified time of day to expire
    • An interval control EXEC CICS RETRIEVE command with the WAIT option specified
    SUSPTIMEsuspTimeMsTotal elapsed wait time for which the user task was suspended by the dispatchermicrosecond
    DSPDELAYfstDispTimeMsThe elapsed time waiting for first dispatchmicrosecond
    DISPWTTdispWaitTimeMsElapsed time for which the user task waited for redispatch. This time is the aggregate of the wait times between each event completion and user-task redispatch. This field does not include the elapsed time spent waiting for first dispatchmicrosecond
    DSCHMDLYchModeTimeMsThe elapsed time in which the user task waited for redispatch after a CICS Dispatcher change-TCB mode request was issued by or on behalf of the user taskmicrosecond
    QRMODDLYqrModeTimeMsThe elapsed time for which the user task waited for redispatch on the CICS QR mode TCB. This time is the aggregate of the wait times between each event completion and user-task redispatch. This field does not include the elapsed time spent waiting for the first dispatchmicrosecond
    RMITIMErmiTimeMsThe total elapsed time spent in the CICS Resource Manager Interface (RMI)microsecond
    RMISUSPrmiSuspTimeMsThe total elapsed time that the task was suspended by the CICS dispatcher while in the CICS Resource Manager Interface (RMI)microsecond
    TCLDELAYtclsTimeMsThe elapsed time waiting for first dispatch, which was delayed because of the limits set for the transaction class of this transaction (trxClass field), being reachedmicrosecond
    MXTDELAYmxtTimeMsThe elapsed time waiting for the first dispatch, which was delayed because of the limits set by the system parameter, MXT, being reachedmicrosecond

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