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Defining Your Infrastructure
The MYZ module lets you visualize your infrastructure and its evolution over time.
Each Central Processor Complex (CPC) is represented with their characteristics including their active local partitions (LPARs).
You can update your infrastructure view automatically by importing your SCRTs, or manually by specifying each of the CPC and their LPAR characteristics.
As ZETALY is working based on your infrastructure, a dedicated page in My ZETALY is accessible from the top menu :
The Infrastructure page lets you add your CPCs and their LPARs, either automatically or by hand. You can switch between two views using the top-right toggle :
Automatically Import Your Infrastructure With Your SCRTs
If TFP pricings are expected, the V5 section of the SCRTs is mandatory.
You can directly extract your actual infrastructure from SCRT automated reports.
To do so, click the Import SCRT information button to open the Import SCRTs page.
You can import SCRT with the Upload SCRTs button. If you wish to add/update your infrastructure (CPC and LPARs), please tick the checkbox on the next window :
Once confirmed, the table shows the upload progress. If the SCRT is not in the expected format, an error message appears.
If you closed the windows, you still have access to the import logs using the black clock button :
Your imported CPCs / LPARs appear on the Infrastructure page.
The status Imported remains until any field is manually edited. After which, the CPC/LPAR will changes and stay in Manual status.
SCRT Upload
payload: {files: csv file}
Expected payload : A single SCRT file in .csv format.
http/https according to your configuration.
Add/Edit a CPC or LPAR
You can create a CPC manually using the "Add a server" button :
Once created, you can add LPARs at the bottom of the table :
Afterwards, any field can be freely edited by clicking on it, any change will be saved automatically.